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Height: 5'8"

Eye Colour: Hazelnut

Hair Colour: Brown

Languages: French, English, Russian, Armenian, German

Vocal Range: Mezzo alto

Member of Théâtre Action, Canada

Member of Playwrights Guild of Canada

Member of the Artistic Board of Toronto Jazz Festival

Relevant Skills and Training

Dance: Classical and contemporary (10 years experience as a soloist)

Art & Music: Piano, singing, painting, sculpting

Sport: Horseback riding, swimming, fencing, tennis, yoga, climbing, boxing



2024 Vague Chaire | Dramaturge / Théâtre Prospero Mtl | Wanderson Santos

2022 Fantaisie de désuétude | Director| TfT

2022 Les Zinspiré.e.s, |Coach| TfT Toronto | Constant Bernard

2021 Spectators' Odyssey - o dell'Inferno, "Louis Jouvet" (lead) | TO Live / National Arts Centre | DLT

2021 I & I, co-creator, Storyteller (lead) | Talk is Free Theatre / DLT | Daniele Bartolini

2021 The Condominium, co-creator, Storyteller (lead) | Artery / DLT | Daniele Bartolini

2020 1000 Things in a Virus' Dream, Storyteller (lead) | Fringe TO 2020 / OtherHeArts | Harrison Thomas

2019 Her Sweetness, "Priestess" (lead) | Grand Canyon Theatre / OtherHeArts | Harrison Thomas

2019 One Night, "Scheherazade" (lead) | Aluna Theatre / Caminos Festival | Harrison Thomas

2019 24H de Création, Unnamed (lead) | Théâtre Gilles Desjardins | Dillon Orr

2019 In Sundry Languages, Unnamed (lead) | Toronto Laboratory Theatre / Fringe | Art Babayants

2002 Suites en Ré Mineur, "Théa" (lead) | Paris en Théâtre | Hervé Ilin

2000 Marat-Sade, "Choir" (supporting) | Cie MilleFontaines | Emmanuel Demarcy-Mota


2023 Le Rabbin d'Outremont, Rebecca (supporting) | NTD TV | Joël Etienne

2022 Understood, Casting Director (lead) | TLT | Vojin Vasovic

2022 Pêche ta pomme, Louisa (lead) | Fittonia Prod.Inc. | Marie-Claire Marcotte

2015 Une Histoire de Fou, guest role (supporting) | Agat Films / Canal+ | Robert Guediguian

2010 Jeanne Devère, "Resistance Journalist" (supporting) | France 3 | Marcel Bluwal


2020 Au Creux de l'Oreille, "Reader" | Théâtre Catapulte / La Nouvelle Scène / Théâtre de la Colline



2021 The Proust Questionnaire (column) | smART Magazine by Lighthouse Immersive

Interviews with Josh Grossman (AD of TO Jazz festival), Joana Vicente (AD of TIFF), Lynn Horseman Lesson (artist)

2021 In Focus (column) | smART Magazine by Lighthouse Immersive

Interview with Atom Egoyan

Interview with blue mouth inc.


2020-2024 Eaux (play)

2020 Monde selon Médée (radio play, CBC-Radio Canada)

2019-2021 Fantaisie de Désuétude (play, in production 2021-2023)

2008-2020 Short stories and poems

Teaching & Production


2021 Théâtre de l'Absurde | FTAMS / Théâtre Action (involving 20 schools in Ontario)

2020 Improvisation and Automatic Writing | ATFC

2019-2020 Stage Movement / Direction / Improvisation / Collective Creation | Other HeArts

2019-2020 Theatre workshops in Ontario schools | Théâtre Action

2019-2020 Theatre and thematic workshops in GTA schools | Théâtre français de Toronto


2020-2021 Producer, S.A. | Lua Shayenne Dance Company, Toronto



MA in International Law | Institute of Higher International Studies (IHEI) at Pantheon Assas, La Sorbonne, Paris

MA in International Relations and Public Affairs | Magistère des Relations Internationales et Action à l'Étranger, La Sorbonne, Paris


National Theatre School (Canada) | Residency in stage direction

Toronto Arts Council | Acting & Directing | AD: Soheil Parsa

Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity (Canada) | "Poetic Body" (poetry, writing, creation)| AD: D. Boudreault

Classical & Modern Theatre

Conservatoire d'art dramatique (France) | J.L. Bihoreau


Conservatoire d'art dramatique (France) | M. Garay

Classical and Contemporary Dance

Opéra Atelier (Canada) | J. Lajeunesse Zingg / M. Pynkoski

Soloist with ANI Dance Company (France)

National Conservatory (Russia) | K. Frilov / V. Khanamiryan

Contemporary Theatre

Cie MilleFontaines (France) | E. Demarcy-Mota / H. Ilin


National Conservatory (Russia)

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